Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Thanks Peeps!
I would be lying if I posted that things were good here, so I will just say that I have been busy and am at a difficult time in my life:(
On the bright side, I have been hanging out with some great friends and am truly thankful for them.
Posted by Darcey at 10:38 PM 11 comments
Monday, June 15, 2009
The Hangover
Hope you had a good weekend!
Friday was not fun, since the Red Wings did not win the Stanley Cup. On Saturday I went to see the new Hobby Lobby that opened in our area. I ran into my friend Joanie there. The scrapbooking isles were completely picked over and not much stock. I asked about when they get more stock and their trucks come every Thursday morning. Looks like Thursdays will be my new HL night. On Saturday night I went out with my girlfriends. It was completely last minute. We had a great time! Its good to have a girls night every once in a while.
On Sunday I ran a few errands with Anita and then went home and watched the Lifetime special "Maneater" it was a 4 hour special movie that aired a few weeks ago It was a cute movie. AC was golfing and later in the evening we went to see "Hang Over!" It was a very funny movie and I would like to see it again.
Hope you had a good weekend and have a great week:)

Posted by Darcey at 11:07 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Gradutation '09
Saturday was my sister, Ashley's high school graduation. It started at noon and went pretty quick. She looked great and happy!
Ashley & her Mom & Dad
Posted by Darcey at 9:30 PM 2 comments
Tastefully Simple
On Friday I hosted a Tastefully Simple party at my house.
My original plan was for our friends to bring their families and hang out for the night. I really wanted AC to be able to try the dips and have a good time. He is such an entertainer! I can't do anything simple as long as he is involved! That isn't always a bad thing, but it stresses me out.
We had 20+ people come over on Friday night. That was a ton of people. Since most of the items for party are dips and snacks I thought that we should have some more food. My idea of simple food is getting a couple of frozen lasagnas and calling it good. His idea was making a ton of pasta, sauce, homemade meatballs and garlic bread.
Thank God I made the dips, bread and cookies the night before. I was cutting vegetables and cleaning the kitchen when people started to arrive. That is when I noticed that I really didn't have anything planned for drinks, I begged a couple friends to pick up some margarita mix on their way over. I tried to greet people at the door and failed miserably! I felt pulled in so many different directions that it was totally stressful.
The kids were all well behaved and the guys all helped out with the kids. I eventually asked the ladies to sit around the table and then the guys to go outside. Then the dips really should have been passed outside, but instead sat inside for a while until they came in complaining about not having anything to eat. It really took a long time to try each dip and sauce. Thankfully the TS rep was awesome and helped a lot. She got stuff ready and then help put stuff away and get people drinks and even clean up at the end.
Next time I will skip the guys and the families and keep the parties to ladies. Maybe it would be more relaxing that way?
Posted by Darcey at 3:36 PM 2 comments
Friday, June 5, 2009
Prom '09
Wednesday was my 3 year wedding anniversary!
On Wednesday after work I went to see my sisters all dressed up because they were both going to prom this year.
Emily is a junior and her boyfriend Josh is a senior:

The pictures turned out good and everyone got home safe:)
Today is our annual bbq at work. I did all of the shopping yesterday. We are having brats, burgers, macaroni and potato salad and chips. Should be fun. We get the grill out in the parking lot and put tables outside to eat.
Have a good weekend!!
Posted by Darcey at 10:17 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Wish Luck
Monday night after work I went with Anita to Hobby Lobby and Ikea. It was her first time at Hobby Lobby and she was a little overwhelmed. They do have a lot of stuff there. A new Hobby Lobby is opening on Monday June 8th very close to us. Can't wait! Very Exciting!
Ikea on the other hand, is somewhere very familiar to Anita. I could be lost for days in there. She knew the place like the back of her hand. I was impressed:) I don't get out much.
Very early this morning my husband is off to Denver Colorado for a job interview. Please wish him safe travels and good luck on his interview.
Hope you are having a good week so far. Thanks for reading.
Posted by Darcey at 12:25 AM 5 comments
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